Optimal Kidney Health

Kidney Health Essentials

A Message from Julie

Over the many years of teaching people how to be healthier and more proactive with their kidney health (which then ripples to all parts of their health, relationships, and career!), what is unanimous across the board is they all believe everyone should learn this

Learning the language of the kidney system, and applying it in real time to lessen stress, process tough emotions, and understand how to be their own kidney advocate.

Enter the tricky part of this work.

This work requires an expert who has not only trained for at least a handful of years at the professional level, but who is blending all parts of our human experience into one.

This means we need to:

  1. Learn how it’s possible (and why it’s essential) to understand your body and its systems
  2. Explore ways to connect with a team and ask the right questions
  3. Understand the importance of bringing it all together as one: understanding + change + support.

This is why I can help you…

I am a Jedi Master at Teaching This

I’ve been doing this for 20+ years and I am here to tell you that when you learn the steps, practices, and education, you start to become your own kidney advocate.

When becoming your own kidney advocate starts to happen, there’s no longer any need for quick fixes.

Kidney Health Essentials

  • From June 1 – 7, 2023, you can purchase this 4-part series that will equip you with the ‘essential’ learning you need in order to make informed decisions and get better results on your journey to nervous system health and healing.

In ‘The Essentials’ class series, you’ll get:

  1. A ‘nuts and bolts’ foundation in non-dumbed down kidney education (plus WHY this is important for you to know in this day and age!)
  2. Insight into why you might get stuck and experience overwhelm over and over again
  3. Your introduction to my multi-modal approach to getting to the root of unhealed trauma and restoring regulation back into your life.
  4. The ABC’s on why steering clear of quick fixes is recommended for lifestyle transformations that last.
  5. Access to bonus resources not included in earlier versions of this class series:
    • Full written transcripts to accompany each class
    • Downloadable PDF of key takeaways for each class

Join us!

Lesson 1

Your Kidneys!

An introduction to what your kidneys are, what they do, why they’re important and why you want to heal them.

Lesson 2

What kidney disease REALLY is

What a doctor probably won’t tell you about it and what it takes to become your own kidney advocate.

Lesson 3

How chronic kidney disease connects with your body

The deep roots of the health problems that exist today and how they are related to kidney disease.

Lesson 4

What it actually takes to slow the progression of kidney disease

Shifting and healing at a deep level to make lasting change is much slower and gentler than you might think.